Another year, but not just another birthday…

This week’s episode really has Collier thinking about his own mortality as he reaches the age that his mother was when she was murdered by his father.

• Collier reads a special message he received from a fan on his Instagram…

• Brenda shares her strange connection with Collier’s mother’s death at 44…

• Collier asks the audience if what he feels is normal?

• Feeling he has much more to accomplish in life, Collier wonders if he is destined to be murdered himself…

Interesting resources related to Collier’s sentiments:

Turning 44: The age my mother was when she was murdered. Moving Past Murder Episode 26


[00:00:00] Collier: It is very human to think about our own mortality. Yes. Just like a self fulfilling prophecy. Is this like a curse? Is this like, I think all of these things just start to just, I mean, they go through my head all the time and um, I, I, I mean, is this normal? [00:00:20] Well, it’s another year in the history books. Um, so I decided to pull a page out of my baby book.

[00:00:29] From my first birthday. And, um, ironically, my dad wrote something here on the bottom. [00:00:40] So I had a party with my daddy, mommy, Nana, and pop up spit. I received nice presents and I gave out cake angel food with divinity icing. What is divinity icing? I have no idea. And [00:01:00] champagne to my friends. Clearly. I didn’t think of that at one years old, but interesting.

[00:01:06] This is me at my first birthday party with my mama. And for those of you that can’t see it. I was a cute kid. Oh man. Um, then [00:01:20] this is a picture that I took of my mother. Isn’t she beautiful?

[00:01:28] This is probably,

[00:01:32] this is probably one of the last pictures. Well, I took this [00:01:40] picture and this is probably one of the last pictures of her ever alive. She was 44 years old. And as of today, So am I[00:02:00]

[00:02:02] Testimony continued

[00:02:03] Brenda: today in the most notorious criminal trial in Richland county. Dr.

[00:02:07] Collier: John Boyle is accused of killing his wife, Marine and burying her body in the basement of his new home in Erie, Pennsylvania. The 12 year old saw he took the stand I heard, uh, bud is about this loud where the [00:02:20] jury find the defendant.

[00:02:22] When I was 12 years old, my testimony sent my father to prison for murdering. This podcast serves as a type of therapy and reconciliation for myself. And it is my hope that it helps anyone who has experienced deception, betrayal, and dark trial. I’m calling your Landry and [00:02:40] this is moving.

[00:02:44] And I just want to say a big thank you to all my people out there that have been tuning in 11:00 AM. Pacific 2:00 PM. Eastern time. I go on IgG live every Tuesday to discuss the latest episode of moving past. [00:03:00] So I want to thank you all for tuning in that’s on my Instagram channel at call your Landry.

[00:03:04] Check it out. I appreciate it. Uh, Brenda, welcome back. Here we are.

[00:03:09] Brenda: Hey. Yes. I’m excited to be chatting today because you have. Interesting subject today that I’m glad I’m part of.

[00:03:17] Collier: So one of the things I want to do in the show every week is [00:03:20] you, you guys, my people reach out to me, uh, when you see the episodes and you reach out to me on Instagram ad or, or Twitter, and I get these DMS, I want you to know that I read what you guys write me.

[00:03:31] So this week a guy named Steven Kurfiss wrote me, and I’m going to read you what he said, Okay. So he said, call your, I [00:03:40] know you don’t remember me, but I used to wait on you and your mother. When I was a manager at Brooks brothers in the late eighties, the two of you would visit the city center store in Columbus, Ohio.

[00:03:50] I remember your mother so fondly. She was a bundle of energy bouncing around with her ponytail. You can imagine my shock when I opened up the newspaper one day [00:04:00] and saw that your mother’s life had been taken. I look forward to following your podcast. Um, thank you, Steven Kurfis for reaching out, I get your messages and, um, you know, Bretta, it’s really amazing.

[00:04:15] When people reach out to me and they have these like really fun little stories about my [00:04:20] mother. I mean, look, this guy worked at Brooks brothers. My mother used to love to go to Brooks brothers and my mother loved to shop. Right. So, and I think we’ve, I think we just have talked about that. You know, it’s really wonderful when I hear the, these stories come through of the way that she impacted people.

[00:04:36] Just like he’s talking about your mother’s ponytail, you know, bouncing around and [00:04:40] it’s, it’s always amazing to. To hear, to hear how she impacted people’s lives. Even, you know, even it’s like, okay, the guy works at a, at a department store. Like you wouldn’t think that that was a big situation, but obviously her, just her presence really, you know, really a bit left an impact on her and [00:05:00] heartbreaking is it is I, I suppose, because they find out that she was killed and you know, there’s another light in the universe that has gone out.

[00:05:08] Um, It’s it, when I hear these stories, it makes me really happy. And, um, and so really something like this leads me into what I want to discuss this week. [00:05:20] So as you know, Brenda, I am getting ready to have another birthday. Yes you are. And I am turning, um, 44, uh, Yes, which, uh, is I want to go gulp, but it’s not really like gulp, like I’m getting older because I think if I [00:05:40] behaved my age, I might feel that way, but I certainly don’t and I think there are plenty of people, especially women I’ve dated.

[00:05:47] That would agree. Um,

[00:05:51] Brenda: Hey, at least you’re honest,

[00:05:53] Collier: you know, a little self-deprecation is always, is always, you know, is always a good thing to keep yourself in check. Um, but what I [00:06:00] wanted to say is, This birthday in particular has it’s it, it ha it carries a certain weight with it. And the reason why is because I am turning the same age that my mother was killed at, right.

[00:06:17] My mother was 44 when she was murdered. [00:06:20] And I’ve been thinking about this my entire life. And it’s a little surreal when. W, you know, I, I begin to think about this and then, you know, I know you bread that you [00:06:40] have, um, also thought about this because you lost your father at that

[00:06:45] Brenda: age. Yeah. He was also 44, which is crazy and ironic that we both have that same connection losing a parent.

[00:06:56] And I can’t imagine when I hit 44. [00:07:00] The feeling that I had was like, whoa, I cannot believe that’s how old he was when he left us. Because at that age, I didn’t feel like I had lived yet. You know, I had still so much more, I wanted to do when C and B and, and my son and I have a son, you know, um, [00:07:20] as well, so.

[00:07:22] You know, that’s just crazy. And, and I know you’re feeling that as well, you know, because you’ve just really started to live and yeah.

[00:07:33] Collier: And I think that’s the thing that we were, we were talking about the other day is, yeah, [00:07:40] this is the, this is absolutely. It’s a, it’s such a weird, you know, you know, I’m trying to articulate this properly, but it’s such a sort of strange and surreal thing to think about because here I have [00:08:00] spent the majority of my life

[00:08:07] since my mother, you know, was taken from me and taken from us in this world. Right, right. It’s been spent to sort of not let her [00:08:20] death be invade. Right. And to be able to spread a message and you be able to create something.

[00:08:33] I mean, The thing is, is that, you know, and a couple of weeks ago I had interviewed, uh, a shell ski [00:08:40] and Melissa McKinnis came on and somebody, one of the listeners that was listening made a really interesting point on, on YouTube. They said, you know, here is a, a woman seeking justice for her son, and here was this.

[00:08:56] Seeking justice for her, for his mother. And they both just, their worlds [00:09:00] have collided. Right. And it’s like, that has been my whole life. Right. And, you know, making the film a murderer, Mansfield talking about the film, traveling around, doing a Ted talk, being on television shows, speaking at universities.

[00:09:16] And then now as I’ve morphed in to the last of this podcast [00:09:20] for the last, you know, half a year, nine months, Really, um, is like the next extension of that. But it’s interesting. You say like, you know, I guess I think about it a lot. Like, do I feel like I’ve really lived, right. I feel like a lot of times when I think about myself and my age and [00:09:40] where I’m at in life, I, I F I feel like.

[00:09:45] I feel like I ha I feel like I’m just starting again or I’m just, you know, it’s, it’s like this, I don’t, it’s really hard to explain because, you know, I think about like, if I had a normal pack, Right. That [00:10:00] that path would look like, okay, you get married, you have a kid, you have kids. And then, okay. I mean, if I had had children at 25, 26, let’s say they use round numbers, they would be turning 18 right now, or 17 they’d be in high school.

[00:10:15] And. I think that a lot of people, like when they get to that [00:10:20] age, they’re like, well, okay, I’ve done this stuff and now I’m going to have my career, but yeah, they have a career for another 20 years or whatever that is. Then they go into retirement and that’s what their life looks like. Right. Whereas me, I feel like I’m just still starting.

[00:10:33] And I, and I, but I don’t know. I mean, what do you think? I don’t know if that’s because of what I’ve been through [00:10:40] or if that’s just like, I constantly. I constantly go back and forth in my head of this weird, like, like, is this what life is supposed to be? Is this what life is? Am I receiving life? How I’m supposed to, but also like, [00:11:00] am I

[00:11:04] I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I’m a little, well,

[00:11:07] Brenda: you know what? I don’t think there is any type of normal anymore or that there ever was because everyone’s journey is their journey. And we [00:11:20] all think that life is going to be a certain way. And if you play by the rules and you know, you follow the path that you think that you’re supposed to have with getting married, having kids, you know, career or college, whatever, it might be, that in your world and based on what your parents or your family has taught you, [00:11:40] that is the normal that’s, you know, what your experience and your perception is.

[00:11:46] And when that doesn’t go, like you think it’s supposed to, then you feel like there’s something wrong with you. And I don’t think that’s a case. I think everybody’s journey is different. And I think that we all end up where [00:12:00] we’re supposed to, and there’s a reason for it. What that reason is. Maybe we’ll never know, but you know, you’re a good person.

[00:12:10] You’re constantly helping other people. You have an amazing doggie named Blondie who is 17,

[00:12:19] Collier: who has a [00:12:20] birthday. Yes. You know, like a week later

[00:12:24] Brenda: and yeah, isn’t that crazy. And you know, and it’s like, so you’ve in a way do have a child because you’ve raised her and, and she is very set in her ways and she has her way of doing things and, and she is now the boss of you, [00:12:40] which is fantastic.

[00:12:41] And God love her, but no, I think. You’re doing amazing things. You’re on this path now, and you’re helping others with your film, with your podcast. And I know your mother would be so proud. I’m sure if she could have her conversation with us, she might say, well, I [00:13:00] certainly didn’t see that coming, but you know, what you’re doing is amazing.

[00:13:04] And. And she would have to, I know that she would laugh if she saw you in forensic files, when you’re on the stand in how animated you are and telling the story like, oh no, this happened. And it was like this and [00:13:20] you were just very much. The fact, and you are going for it. You weren’t gonna back down for nothing.

[00:13:25] And I was

[00:13:26] Collier: going for it. You were, you

[00:13:28] Brenda: were 12 years old and you solved her murder and you wouldn’t take no for an answer. And you were going to make sure that she was avenged [00:13:40] basically is what I felt. I’m like, there is a little twelve-year-old superhero happening right now. And that to me, It’s just amazing.

[00:13:49] And so as you turn 44, you should be so proud of yourself because I know she would be, and I wish that I would have known her [00:14:00] because hearing comments like Steve who worked at Brooks brothers remembers her all these years later. And, you know, made a point to say something. And so I really hoping that more people that are catching onto your podcast and the story, and that knew your mom and knew you, I hope [00:14:20] they’ll reach out and, you know, hit us up on social media and let us tell us a

[00:14:25] Collier: story.

[00:14:27] That’s the thing is, is that that’s like the one, you know, that’s the definitive. Ancillary benefit of all this is because I don’t, I don’t know [00:14:40] all these things. Right. And my, with my family abandoning me both sides. Right. And with that whole situation, you’ve got. It’s got its own little whatever. Right.

[00:14:51] But then these people come out of the woodwork with these stories and with this, like how my mother impacted them and this [00:15:00] part of it is like, am I going to have that impact? Will I have that impact? Do I have that impact? Have I had that impact? Or have I had that impact? Just because of her, like it’s it’s I don’t know.

[00:15:13] I mean, you know, like what. Not that I think about this a lot, [00:15:20] but like, you know, it is very human to think about our own mortality. Yes. The biggest, just a very human like quality, you know, we just, we, we think about our own mortality, but I’ve been thinking about this same mortality for like 30 years now.

[00:15:36] And I am just, it’s [00:15:40] just this whole. Am I going to make it to that age? What has happened? Am I going to die at this age? Am I going to, you know, I mean, it’s a real.

[00:15:55] Like, am I going to be killed? Like, that’s a real thing that goes through my head like [00:16:00] that is, you know, I don’t mean to be graphic or dramatic about this, but that is something for sure. That literally goes through my head. Am I going to make it to 44? Am I going to make it through 44? Or am I going to be killed?

[00:16:12] Is, is there something that’s going to happen? Is this like a self fulfilling prophecy? Is this like a curse? Is this like, I think all of [00:16:20] these things just start to. I mean, they go through my head all the time. And, um, I, I mean, is this normal, like, I mean, what is, what do you think of the audience? What are you guys?

[00:16:32] Is this normal? Do you guys think about this type of stuff? Yeah, I hope not, but it, maybe it is more maybe I’m way off base and I’m overthinking it. So I’d love to know. I’d love to know in [00:16:40] the comments. I’d love to hear your DMS about this. Cause I’m, I’m at a loss because I don’t know. What’s normal. It’s so funny.

[00:16:48] Speaking of that, like normal thing is there’s a cousin that’s on my mother’s side that has recently reached out. He saw the New York post article. Right. And I saw the new stat, New York post article, which is a [00:17:00] weird, it’s like, oh, you get the newspaper just like, but, but he reached out and he’s doing a genealogy about the family.

[00:17:07] I had reached out to, so I, over the course of the podcast, I’ve because of that, I have started to sort of rekindle a relationship with one of my cousins on my mother’s side, but I knew growing up, you know, he’s a few years [00:17:20] older than me. His sisters were the ones that were molested by my father. Right.

[00:17:24] And, you know, as I said, that, that whole side of the family harbors this complete anger towards my, not only my father, but also harbors this anger towards me. You know, it makes no sense, but you know, when he was [00:17:40] explaining this to me, but he said, he said something to me about, because this the same cousin had reached out to him about the genealogy.

[00:17:47] Do you guys, well, you don’t think it’s like, does you think it’s like weird, like some random guy just calls you and says he’s related to you and he, and, uh, and it starts asking you questions. He wants to do a genealogy. You don’t think that’s [00:18:00] strange. No, but, but I, but I, but my first reaction was like, bro, like, who are you talking to?

[00:18:09] Yeah.

[00:18:10] Brenda: Like, do you not know my life?

[00:18:11] Collier: But the reason why I’m saying that is, is. Obviously my perception of things is very, is very abnormal. [00:18:20] It like that doesn’t bother me. I don’t get creeped out by it. I go whatever. And, and, you know, and look, you’ve, you have most certainly said to me at times, like, call your you’re a little too trusting or call your, your, like, you know, that person or whatever it is.

[00:18:34] Right. You know, so baby, I’m way off. This is where this is where I’m [00:18:40] still trying to figure myself out as, as an adult is. Because of what happened to me, what is skewed my view of the world, you know? And I think that I’m very glad that it has not skewed my view of the world in a negative way where I’m not, you know, doom and gloom.

[00:18:57] Everything is bad, life Sox [00:19:00] life. I think that everyone gets the fact that sort of my whole message is, is that things can be better and you can make it through these, you know, challenges or adversity. Right. At the same time. I’m wondering if it’s just because I’m just so mental in that way, that like things that should be normal to like the normal human being back and [00:19:20] forth every day, I’m like, oh, that doesn’t make sense.

[00:19:22] Or, oh, I have a little, whereas I’ve just so accepting of it because I just, like, there is no sense of normalcy in my life whatsoever. Right. Is that something, and, and, and as I carry this through to like the next year of my life and being this, you know, four, four year, right. Um,[00:19:40]

[00:19:42] Am I approaching life in the wrong way? Like, should I be more guarded? Was my mother’s life taken? I mean, these are the things that I think about, like, what was she killed? Because she was too trusting of my father, you know? And I know that she would make jokes with her friends because they told [00:20:00] me that she would be like, oh, well, you know, when he shows up at night, on December 30th with my grandmother, His mother, you know, she says, oh, well, Jack is supposedly she said to my Angela, you know, uh, well, he can’t kill me tonight.

[00:20:11] Cause he brought us cause his mother’s here. That was like the last thing she said to her. It’s like, yeah. [00:20:20] And it’s, I’m thinking to myself, like

[00:20:25] Brenda: that’s my mother there when it

[00:20:27] Collier: happened. Yes she was.

[00:20:29] Brenda: Yeah. Oh, okay. Thanks grandma.

[00:20:33] Collier: You know. It’s it’s like wild. I’m just like Akkad, Eddy, there you go. [00:20:40] Oh, thoughts or things or whatever, self-fulfilling prophecy, but is it again, is it like, did somebody, did she, you know, she made that joke, obviously being cheeky because my mother had a very good sense of humor about life.

[00:20:53] And I think that’s one of the things that’s like been passed on to me. So she could just sort of take a piss at herself. It’d be like, oh, he isn’t going to kill [00:21:00] me tonight because he brought his mother. Of course. Like who says that first of all, and then it happens and it’s just, you know, and I make jokes about stuff like that all the time.

[00:21:10] Like, you know, even when I think about like, I go mountain biking, I’m like, okay, I’m going to go try to break my neck on the mountain or whatever. I’ll try not to die today. Right. But maybe I shouldn’t say [00:21:20] things like that. Maybe. I don’t know. I mean,

[00:21:23] Brenda: brought up the life alert. You need to take something that will like send a beacon out.

[00:21:28] If something happens to you.

[00:21:31] Collier: Do you use the Strava app? Strava app does that? Well, my friends I ride with, we all do it different going out, riding, it sends us a little thing. We have our little buddy list. It [00:21:40] tracks everything. So the marvels of modern GPS are at work, but no, but seriously getting back to what I’m saying.

[00:21:47] So these are the things that are constantly going through my head, like as I’m sort of staring down the barrel of this, of this new year, right. This is all I meant [00:22:00] to be on this planet. Like, is it 44 bust or 44 ad bust? Or is it 45 or bust, you know, or is it, you know, I mean, Um, I was most certainly not ready to check out.

[00:22:14] Um, I feel like there was a lot more to do because I feel like I just started my life. Like, I feel like, okay. I made the film a [00:22:20] few years ago and then that was like, okay, that’s done. Okay. Check off that list. Okay. Did that? Okay, great. Uh, okay. You know, that was like 2019 when that was done, you know, like it was right before the pandemic, then we go into a pandemic so that, you know, that, that that’s the.

[00:22:38] And then it’s like, now I’m [00:22:40] on the other side of that, you know? Or I think we’re all collectively on the other side of that, I hope so GS and, or getting there. Right. You know, and then there’s this whole other thing of, okay. Now. Okay. Now I’ve started the podcast. Okay. So this, okay. Check this off the list.

[00:22:53] Okay. These are the things I’m doing and they’re, it’s reaching people. It’s impacting you. Like you let’s write some books. Okay. Let’s do that. Okay. Good to check that. [00:23:00] If I run the things, am I running out of things to check off the list? Should I start expanding the list or does the list at that 44? Like these are the things that constantly go through my head.

[00:23:10] And I don’t know if this is because of trauma, like, are there other people that think about these types of things that go through trauma? Because I feel like B personally, and [00:23:20] I was talking about this on an interview the other day, but I just remember being. December 31st, 1989. I hear the footsteps of my father walked down the hall and they stop at my doorstep and my door was always open when I was asleep.

[00:23:36] I always loved my door open. I still do. [00:23:40] And I could, as I’m snuggled, there’s a little boy I’m looking this way. And I guess this, after I heard the thuds of the scream and everything, and I’m laying there just frozen and I’m just looking at my peripheral vision and I can see foot feet in the doorway. And I keep thinking about if I just did,[00:24:00]

[00:24:02] and I know that’s, you know, dramatic or whatever, but if I just looked at. What I even be here.

[00:24:10] Brenda: Yeah. I wonder

[00:24:14] Collier: this is the shit that I think about all the time, all the time, every day, I’m thinking about this, [00:24:20] I’m thinking about like, what happens, what F what, you know, so I’m already feeling like I’m on borrowed time from 11 years old on, because I’m thinking, okay.

[00:24:32] Then I think about the second time my father. You know, wanting to take me to Florida after I had been working with [00:24:40] the police and Lieutenant MES Warren and found the picture of the house where they found my mother’s body and all this, like while all this is in progress. And then I realized that I think my father is like, figured this out because I was doing all this as he was in transit back and forth from, you know, uh, uh, Erie pencils.

[00:24:59] Right to [00:25:00] Mansfield, Ohio, which is like a four and a half hour five-hour drive, I guess. So as he started to figure it out. So then is that like, you know, it’s like a cat has nine lives. Okay. So didn’t look up in the doorway. Okay, great. That’s done. Okay. Didn’t uh, Okay. That didn’t go to Florida with him because I got yanked out by children’s services, you know, [00:25:20] protective services.

[00:25:20] So that didn’t happen because I was scared that he was going to kill me to keep that he found me out. Cause I was literally living for 25 days or 24. Yeah. 25 days in that house. Constantly under dressed. Like he’s going to figure this out and I’m going to be next. The, you know, and I’ve tried to put on this [00:25:40] facade of like that.

[00:25:41] I don’t know anything or that I believe his story of Bobby, you know, rushing. I, I can remember. And I don’t even know if I’ve ever talked about this. I can remember my father sitting down to like, do a brainstorm session with me about, and my grandmother about all the places that my mother [00:26:00] could have gone.

[00:26:03] Like all these places that she could have, you know, could be. And I remember saying, you know, Bobby always wanted to go to Toronto. And, uh, go shopping. So maybe she went to Toronto, Canada. He said, oh, that’s a, maybe she’s. Yeah, she’s probably [00:26:20] in Toronto, like all these like phase that were happening, knowing that he had murdered her going, that that was a thing that he had done a crime that he had committed.

[00:26:30] And he’s just like playing on with it. And it’s just it’s and I think about all this and then, you know, people there have been viewers and there have been people that have asked [00:26:40] me over the years, like at the same time, do you feel that you are your, uh, that you could do this to another human because your father did it?

[00:26:49] I don’t know. I don’t, I don’t think so. I don’t think I could do that. I don’t think it’s in my DNA. I don’t, I don’t, I, I don’t think it feels like it’s in my [00:27:00] DNA, but technically it is in my DNA. Right. So does that mean at age 46 or 47? I’m going to go to prison for something. These are the things that I constantly think about.

[00:27:10] I think that this is, you know, this is something that is, is like a side effect of. Is you, you, you, you constantly, I [00:27:20] mean, this is the shit I think about, I want to do a book called the shit. I think about this is the shit I think about on a consistent basis of just

[00:27:31] what I mean, I don’t know what to say.

[00:27:33] Brenda: Sure. I’m sure everyone has, you know, strange thoughts or [00:27:40] wonders. You know, my gosh, my parents were like this. I wonder if I’m going to be that way. And. You know, and I wondered the same thing about, you know, when my son was born, you know, who is he going to be most like, of course, I’m really happy that he’s my mini me.

[00:27:55] And, um, so that may, you know, that’s great. He totally is. [00:28:00] Uh, but, uh, you just don’t know. You don’t know, we don’t know, you know, we don’t know what the future holds. We can’t, you know, determine the future or predict the future. We just have to. Go with each day by day and try to live our best life and try to be our best selves.

[00:28:19] And [00:28:20] that’s all we have control over the rest of it. We have no control over. We could get hit by a bus tomorrow. You just don’t know. And I don’t think I’d want to know. Cause then you’d be obsessing over it. Oh geez. I’m going to die this year on this day. And then that’s all [00:28:40] you would think about. You wouldn’t think about all the things.

[00:28:43] You want to do or, you know, fun things and you’d be obsessed with the negative and how it ends.

[00:28:57] Collier: And I wonder, I wonder if like people that lose a [00:29:00] parent normally like, and by normal, I mean, you know, the parent passes, which is not normal, but like they get into a car accident and they die. So then if that happened, when the parent was 38 or something, and as people were turning 38, do they think about that?

[00:29:13] I would think so. Right. So I don’t think even though I feel like so abnormal and my thought [00:29:20] process, I don’t think it’s as abnormal as I think it is. It’s just, I think my circumstance is a lot different, but I think that perhaps anyone could sort of get down that rabbit hole.

[00:29:33] Brenda: That’s very true. I mean, here, we both have parents that passed at 44 years old and my [00:29:40] grandma’s 102 and still going.

[00:29:43] So, you know, you just don’t know.

[00:29:53] Collier: Well, uh, I think everyone knows in this podcast that sometimes it gets dark and deep dark, [00:30:00] and we don’t want to disappoint.

[00:30:02] Brenda: Yes. We kind of go there. Don’t we, we don’t want to

[00:30:05] Collier: disappoint,

[00:30:06] Brenda: so reach out to us and tell us some positive stories and yeah, for

[00:30:11] Collier: sure. I want to hear all the positive stories, Brenda, your, your phone died.

[00:30:15] Brenda: Sorry. Stupid phone rang.

[00:30:17] Collier: Oh, the phone rang or you gotta, you gotta turn that off. [00:30:20] Um, yeah. So, um,

[00:30:30] Brenda: so I think now, like if we, if there are people out there that knew your mom and have stories that they can share [00:30:40] with you, that they can reach out about, I think this would be a great way to celebrate her 40, you know, Celebrate your 44th. Yeah,

[00:30:50] Collier: my brother’s birthday. So which I bought on February 20th. She was born

[00:30:53] Brenda: on September, September 28th.

[00:30:55] That’s right. So, so, um, with [00:31:00] your birthday, and I think my dog

[00:31:02] Collier: and I think my dog that we had was born on like August 28th. And I’m, I remember my mom used to make a joke that, uh, that, you know, call your was born on the 28th. She was wore on the, on September 28th. That the dog was born on the 28th. And my father was born on May 1st.[00:31:20]

[00:31:21] Brenda: He’s not part of the club.

[00:31:22] Collier: Sorry. He was a part of the cool kids club and he knew it

[00:31:25] Brenda: so never was never will be, but that’s okay.

[00:31:30] Collier: I’m sure I won’t get an email from him for my birthday, which we’ll have to read on the podcast. Yes. Maybe you should remind me. I need to get, I need to get. [00:31:40] Back to reading my father’s letters, to which we’re going to do in future very upcoming feature episodes.

[00:31:46] For sure. Because those, you know, when I do get read, or when I do get feedback from you guys, everyone responds to those letters so much because they seem to really give you guys a peek into the world. [00:32:00] Sociopathy and psychopathy and narcissism and add on. And sadly, sadly, these things speak to a lot of you guys because a lot of you guys are struggling with things and dealing with that type of behavior is exhausting.

[00:32:17] It’s confusing and it is frustrating. And [00:32:20] it’s just in, I. Bit of a window that I could give you to that behavior that, that helps you guys or helps anyone. It makes me feel really good for sure. But. Yeah,

[00:32:35] Brenda: I know. And I know we all love, you know, getting into [00:32:40] comments and every once in a while, when someone mentions me in something, I’m like, oh wow.

[00:32:45] They even noticed what, wait, thank you. You missed me. I know it’s exciting to have people speak up and talk about. Anything at this, you know, at this point we just love hearing from people. And I know you, [00:33:00] especially, you know, from family members that you didn’t know were really out there that are reaching out now.

[00:33:06] And I love that so much for

[00:33:08] Collier: you. It’s a very cool thing. I think, I think my mother, you know, one of them wrote me over the weekend. I said, you know, I was thinking about this after I listened to your last episode. And I w I think your mother would be [00:33:20] really happy that I reached out. That was like, yeah, of course she would.

[00:33:24] I was like, you were actually questioning that and they’re like, are you, were you serious? So it’s a good, it’s just all a really good thing to be able to, to just hear from these, these people that [00:33:40] were in my life in a lot of ways that I didn’t even realize were there that were still. Wandering and caring, just like this gentleman who worked at the Columbus city center, which my mom loved to go to.

[00:33:51] I don’t even know if it’s even there anymore. I think they might’ve torn it down for all. I know it was a ball in Columbus, Ohio, uh, but yeah, [00:34:00] hearing these things, it just, it just, it really, it makes me feel very close to her and

[00:34:06] Brenda: that’s cool. So thanks, Steve.

[00:34:09] Collier: Thank you, Steve. Steve Curfis. Um, well on that note, I’m calling it.

[00:34:15] And I’m Brenda Fisher, and this is MoviePass murder.[00:34:20]

[00:34:25] this podcast is made possible by support from listeners, just like please subscribe via apple podcast, Spotify, audible. Find us on YouTube. forward slash calling your Landry. All of these [00:34:40] help support the conversations. And if you want to go a step further, we do have a Patrion page. We also have a PayPal link to donate to the program, which helps keep the lights on and keeps us delivering the material that I feel speaks best to you.

[00:34:52] My audience, the film, a murder and Mansfield, it was available on investigation discovery [00:35:00] discovery. Plus an Amazon prime. This podcast is a production of don’t touch my radio in association with RSA entertainment.[00:35:20]

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